Anything Random Under The Sun

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Name: Timothy Ho, Alfred Lai, Bryan tan, Kenzie quek, Sheng Kai
School: Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Class: IT04
Group: 03
Description: Random Funny videos. :D

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July 2010
August 2010

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* FaRnEy WeDiEo *

* Monday, August 2, 2010 *

Things may not always appear as it seems to be.

This video is a short segment of a prank by a show 'Just for Laughs'.

In this video, I have learned that things do not always appear as it seems to be. Like for example in this video, many of the passer-bys assume that a baby was in the cradle due to the cry that can be heard when they were walking pass it. Some of them even tried to find the owner of the 'baby'. However, little did they know that they were actually being fooled.

To most of their surprise, when they lifted the cloth, they saw a head of an adult. Well this is a good demonstration of 'Curiosity killed the cat'. Sometimes in life, we assume things that are opposite from what it seems to be, just like judging a book by its cover.

Though the people were tricked, I admire their kindness, I mean, if it was a real baby rather than an imposter, they would have done the right thing as to find out where the baby's parents are.

Let us not be so quick to judge but instead we should find out what is the actual situation. Assumptions often lead to embarrassment and broken relationships.


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T-otallyR-andom posted at 12:39 AM

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* FaRnEy WeDiEo *

* Sunday, August 1, 2010 *

Facing up to Rejection


This video shows a small innocent little kid getting rejected at that pretty young age.

Sometimes in life,we get rejected for anything but what we should do after getting rejected is not cry and give up like the small boy in the video. Instead,we should get on with life and use this experience of rejection to help you in your life,empowering you and giving you the experience to know what to do next time.


T-otallyR-andom posted at 1:17 AM

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* FaRnEy WeDiEo *

* Saturday, July 31, 2010 *

Reality and fiction


This video shows about how various cartoons would be in real life in which most of the cartoons wouldn't be like how they should be.
This has to me about reality and fiction and how they shouldn't be linked together. We should always know what is real and face up to it and they be messed up with fiction(especially not cartoons).


T-otallyR-andom posted at 7:59 PM

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* FaRnEy WeDiEo *

* Friday, July 30, 2010 *

Tei Mo Shi_ Biggest Cocky Fail

This has taught me to not be cocky and arrogant when there is an opportunity just go for the kill.

T-otallyR-andom posted at 10:08 AM

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* FaRnEy WeDiEo *

Meaningful events like these

This video is about Burger King having an event to promote their new angry whopper burger.
These events are actually quite meaningful to the participants as they can for one destress,have a good laugh and win some prizes.
Organizers should organize more of such events to benefit the public and at the same time benefit themselves.


T-otallyR-andom posted at 10:05 AM

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* FaRnEy WeDiEo *

* Thursday, July 29, 2010 *

Justin Bieber
Originally uploaded by Shengkai92
I think that many people would understand what does it mean. I was laughing when i first saw it. I hope you guys too.


T-otallyR-andom posted at 3:05 PM

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* FaRnEy WeDiEo *

Slides are what we like to play when we are young, when we feel free when we were sliding down. Somehow accidents happen . Watch the video to see what accidents happen.


T-otallyR-andom posted at 1:16 PM

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Layout * shadowmist